Leader board banner
- Run of site
- Above site header
- 728×90 pixels
- Up to 3 ads may rotate in this spot at a time
- Approximately 40,000 impressions
- COST: $50 / 2 weeks
Right column ads
There are three types of ads for this area
1) Large button ad 250×300 pixels
- Run of site
- Ad may rotate with up to three other ads in the same spot.
- COST: $27 / 2 weeks
2) Half banner ad 234×60 pixels
- Run of site
- These ads rotate up and down with other ads of the same size. Your ad is always seen.
- Up to 12 ads will be featured in this column at a time
- Approximately 40,000 impressions
- Run of site
- COST: $20 / 2 weeks
Left column ads
Skyscraper banner
- 120×600 pixels
- Approximately 40,000 impressions
- Run of site
- COST: $14 / 2 weeks
Newsletter text ad
- WHERE: Near top of newsletter
- SIZE: 10 words
- COST: $7 / issue
- Up to 5 text ads are featured in a newsletter
- Circulation: Approximately 8,000 subscribers
Newsletter graphic ad
- SIZE: 300×250 pixel area. Text and an image can be featured in this ad.
- WHERE: Shown to the right of the list of new product reviews in newsletter
- Only one of this type of ad is featured in each newsletter
- Circulation: Approximately 8,000 subscribers
- COST: $25 / issue – reservation required
Sponsored Blog Post & Social Media Advertising
- Get your message out to our readers and obtain long term exposure on our sites!
- We will publish your promotional messages on our Twitter and Facebook pages
- 2 twitter messages per week and 1 Facebook message per week
- COST: $150 per month
Contact us or fill out our advertising inquiry form for more information on The Mommy Insider.